The ABC of Boiled Carrot Recipes

Christmas is a time for celebration and tradition. Every family has their own traditions, passed down through the generations. Some of them, like Grandma's carrots, are so intrinsically linked to Christmas dinner it would be unthinkable not to serve them. That is until, someone forgets the recipe! I didn't even know it was a real…

Thank you❤️

Yes, this is for you, so carry on reading. This blog is less than a year old. It rose from the ashes of not one, but two previous blogs that I just could not gel with. One proved too painful to write, the other was too wishy washy. It had no clear direction. The research…

The Bee Swarm🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

For the first time in my life I have seen a swarm of bees❤️It was the sound that first alerted me to them. The sight of hundreds of bees filling my garden was awesome. They stayed for about 10mins, but sadly they have not settled here. The odd one or two are hanging around on…