My Ghosts and Me part 3

I don't want you to think I had an unhappy , because I didn't. I had the childhood I had, it was all I knew. I know now I had a tough childhood. In secondary school I had very low esteem, but I was independent. I knew how to fend for myself, I was confident…

My Ghosts and Me …..part 2

Being so young I had no idea why I was so afraid of the dark, nor why I hated being in my bedroom quite as much as I did. I didn't question why I felt like this, I just accepted, this was life, I assumed everyone felt the same. It was to be many years…

So that was 2021 (Part Four)

His text was short, thanking me for the card and present, which he'd opened before going to work that morning, he had texted from work, which I don't approve of, as his job is demanding, dangerous and situations can change in the blink of an eye, I kept my reply short too. I was caught…

Why I left Twitter…..

I may not have left for good & I'm not deleting the account, as there are still a few people I want to be able to chat. I'm neither getting anything out of it, nor giving anything to it. Everything feels like it's come to a halt. Not a sudden juddery halt, more a slow…

A Shadow of my Life

Barbara looked in horror at the dress her mother proudly held up. The all too familiar Marks & Spencer label was clearly visible so it hadn't been cheap, & there would be no discussion about whether she liked it or not.          ' Well go on then. Try it on' her mother was saying whilst shaking…

Circle of Life

A child cries, as a promise is given, lives are entwined, destinies written Encased within this ancient stone, where one night she would lie alone Hiding away damaged, frail, her tear stained face languid, pale. No one knew, no one would care, she couldn’t tell, she wouldn’t dare. No longer a child she fled the…