My Ghosts and Me …..part 2

Being so young I had no idea why I was so afraid of the dark, nor why I hated being in my bedroom quite as much as I did. I didn't question why I felt like this, I just accepted, this was life, I assumed everyone felt the same. It was to be many years…

Shadows of my Life…. beginning of Chapter 2…

Barbara sat up slowly, she stared at the cup of tea on the bedside table. His bedside table on his side of the bed, in his bedroom. Exactly the same as last time. This time he was in the kitchen searching the freezer for something to cook for supper, last time he went to arrange…

Excerpt from Tales of My Mother

A currant WIP I'm working on. A humorous look at how a 60 something is trying to remember why & how she knows people, yet shares no past with them. Throw in the fact her Father wanted a boy not a girl, her Mother works on a strict...need to know basis.....& a long lost friend…