My Ghosts and Me …..part 2

Being so young I had no idea why I was so afraid of the dark, nor why I hated being in my bedroom quite as much as I did. I didn't question why I felt like this, I just accepted, this was life, I assumed everyone felt the same. It was to be many years…

Junction 10A……2nd installment

As it was I had plenty of time to ponder on the morning's happenings. I waited in the hospital car park for 6 hours. Not being allowed in with Bree, because of Covid restrictions. I caught up with emails, read all of my Twitter feed, took a picture of the new Nightingale Hub being built,…

You want to know me?

Take a look at my table......messy, too much stuff going on, crochet, notebook, recipes, books, wine, hand cream...what more could a girl need? My Table Some of you will have seen my table many times in pics, honestly it always looks like this. It is tiny, but I seem to be able to stack it…

Circle of Life

A child cries, as a promise is given, lives are entwined, destinies written Encased within this ancient stone, where one night she would lie alone Hiding away damaged, frail, her tear stained face languid, pale. No one knew, no one would care, she couldn’t tell, she wouldn’t dare. No longer a child she fled the…